Here are three inside tips to help you get ahead of the pack.
My first Tip: Most jobs are not advertised, and the only way you find them is to talk to relatives, friends, associated, peers, teachers and even complete strangers. Let everyone know that you are looking for an apprenticeship, traineeship or work. Ask for, and listen to, advice and seek introductions to people in your field that interest you. Second Tip is to create a custom version of your resume for each job or industry that interests you. Your resume is usually an employer’s first contact with you. Make sure it highlights your skills that relate to the job that employer is seeking to fill. And my final tip of the day: sell yourself! Don’t be shy, this is the right time to identify and promote your skills. Practice communicating your skills effectively. You need to be able to say what you know, and what you can do, and explain how they relate to the job you want.